Monthly Archives: December 2014

Back to it!

Its nearly a year since I had the idea for this blog, and after a number of months of not doing anything much with the blog, or in researching my family history generally, I’m having a fresh look at it. As I’ve said on the Intro page, I’m not a regular blogger and I expect my posts to this site to be sporadic – associated with short bursts of research.

With Christmas 2014 approaching, I thought that I would just do a couple of web searches related to different parts of my family tree to see if anything new popped up! The first few searches (of places associated with the WALKER line) yielded nothing new! But then I turned to the opposite side of my family tree; to the MAWER family. This immediately led to records with a lot of new details, thanks mostly to new websites (or at least ones I had not found before) which make historic records much more easily accessible.

I’ll plan to write up what I’ve found about the MAWERs in the new year.

But this made me think again about developing this blog (which at the time of writing remains as an off-line draft!). So I’ve been going back over the site and some of the articles that I wrote earlier in 2014, tweaking a few little things here and there! I hope to post some more content going into the new year, and get this website into a shape to go live on the internet early in 2015.