Monthly Archives: January 2015

Going Live

wordpress-logoHaving talked about the idea for this website, and shown my off-line version of it to some of the family over the 2014 Christmas period (they gave it a big thumb’s up), I set about turning it into a “live”, on-line website. It turned out to be rather more awkward than I had thought, to transfer the material I had from the off-line program to the on-line website account! But with quite a lot of work, and some tweaks and additions on the way, A Family History Blog is now LIVE on the web.

under-construction-1I will be asking all my close family to have a look at the site over the next few weeks, and to let me know what they think of it. One of my biggest challenges in making the site live was in amending all the site’s internal web-links; the links from one page or blog-post to another. I hope that as people explore the site, they will test these internal links and will let me know if they find any “broken” ones – either via the contact form, or in the comments below this post.

I expect to continue working on the site over the next few weeks, tweaking what I’ve got, adding some new elements, and perhaps changing the appearance to try out different WordPress themes.